Saturday, September 16, 2017

Horticulture Business

1.  To acquire, purchase or take on lease the agricultural land anywhere in the country.

2. To carry on the business of horticulture,  floriculture, sericulture, cultivators, of all kinds of seeds, fruits, including grapes, oranges, apples, mangoes proprietor of orchards and traders, exporter, dealers, processors, preservers and sellers of the products of such horticulture, floriculture, sericulture, seeds and cultivation and manufacturers of drinks including beverages produced from such products or otherwise. 

3. To cultivate, plant, purchase, sell, trade, or otherwise deal in food stuff such as cereals sugarcane, sugar beet, vegetable and flower seeds, oil seeds, tea, coffee, cocoa, cinchona, rubber flex, hemp, cotton, silk, art silk, grass, timber wood, bamboo, straw,  seeds fruits and other articles that are the produce of land and to sell purchase, trade and deal in the same as principals or agents, solely or with partnership with other. 

4. To promote, develop, execute, operate and otherwise carry on projects, schemes, industries, business and activities which in the opinion of the Company is likely to:
i. accelerate and increase agricultural production;
ii. contribute to the production of subsidiary and supplementary food;
iii. increase the availability of supplies of food whether principal, ancillary, supplementary or substitute.

5. To apply for purchase or otherwise acquire and obtain any patents, inventions, licenses,  permissions, concessions, processors, and the like conferring any exclusive or limited right (either in point of time or otherwise) to use the same or any secret or other information as to any invention which may seem capable of being used for any purpose of the Company and to use, exercise develop or grant licenses in respect of or otherwise turn to account any such patents, inventions, licenses, permissions, concessions, processes and the information so acquired.

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