Saturday, September 30, 2017

Marine Port and Services Business

Main Object Clause of an entity having business of Marine Port and related services (E.g. Adani Port, Mundra Port etc)

To construct, develop, maintain, build, equip, hire or otherwise deal with ports, shipyards, jetties, harbours, docks, ship breaking, ship repair, ship building at any port in India or elsewhere and to carry on business of inland and sea transport including goods, passengers and mail, shippers, ship brokers, ship agents, ship underwriters, ship managers, tug owners, barge owners, insurance brokers, loading brokers, freight, brokers, freight contractors, stevedores, warehousemen, wharfingers and building, assembling, fitting, constructing, repairing, servicing and managing ships, seagoing vessels and vessels for inland waterways

To contract, develop, maintain, build, equip, hire, strengthen, widen, upgrade or otherwise deal in any manner with roads, railways, railway siding, payments, highways, anywhere in India and to acquire lease, concessions, rights from any authority in India for the said purpose and operate, grant, lease, concessions and right for the above purpose either on commercial basis including on toll basis or otherwise and to carry on any business of consultants, architects, advisors, syndicators, agents, structural engineers, contractors or otherwise carry on any other business ancillary to the above objects

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