Thursday, February 1, 2018

borrow Moneys within the Authority of the Board - BR

Board Resolution under Section 179(3)(d) to borrow Moneys within the Authority of the Board.

1. That the Company do accept the offer of The Industrial Finance Corporation of India Ltd. (IFCI) vide their letter no_______ dated _________ to grant to the company rupee term loan of ‘_______ (Rupees_____________ only) (here in after referred to as ‘the said Term Loan’) on the terms and conditions contained in the Letter of Intent no __________ dated _________ received from IFCI (copy whereof was placed on the table at the meeting).

2. That Shri___________ and Shri __________ be and are hereby authorised severally to convey to IFCI acceptance on behalf of the Company of the said offer for financial assistance on the terms and conditions contained in their Letter of Intent referred to above and agree to such changes and modifications in the said terms and conditions as may be suggested and acceptable to IFCI from time to time and to execute such deeds, documents and other writings as may be necessary or required for this purpose.

3. That the company do borrow from IFCI the said term loan of ‘_______ (Rupees __________ only) on the terms and conditions set out in the General Conditions No. GC-1-99 applicable to assistance provided by IFCI (hereinafter referred to as ‘The General Conditions’) and in the Standard Form of Loan Agreement for rupee term loan in addition to the special terms and conditions mentioned in the Letter of Intent no___________ dated _________ received from IFCI (Copies whereof were placed on the table at the meeting) and also avail of interim disbursement(s) from time to time as may be allowed by IFCI.

4. That the IFCI will be at liberty to appoint and remove, at its sole discretion, Nominee Director(s) on the Board of directors of the Company from the date of the passing of this resolution and that the appointment of the Nominee director(s) shall not be construed as any commitment on the part of IFCI to grant/disburse and sanctioned assistance.

5. That the aforesaid Standard Forms of Loan Agreement(s) be and are hereby approved and Shri____________ and Shri____________ be and are hereby severally authorised to accept on behalf of the Company such modifications therein as may be acceptable to IFCI and finalise the same.

6. That the Common Seal of the Company be affixed to the stamped engrossment(s) in duplicate of the loan agreement(s) (as per the standard form(s) with such modifications as may be agreed to between IFCI and the company) in the presence of one of the officers i.e. Shri _____________ and Shri __________ who shall sign the same in token thereof.

7. That the Company shall execute the Loan Agreement(s) relating to the above facilities within the period stipulated by IFCI, the condition being that till such agreement being executed there is no binding obligation or commitment on the part of IFCI to advance any money or incur any obligation thereunder.

8. That the standard forms of the following documents namely:-
(i) Deed of Hypothecation
(ii) Undertaking for meeting shortfall/overrun
(iii) Undertaking regarding non-disposal of shareholdings
(iv) General Declaration and Undertaking(s) placed before the meeting be and are hereby approved and that Shri___________ of the Company be and are hereby severally authorised to finalise, on behalf of the company, the said documents and also to approve and finalise such other deeds, documents and writings as may be required by IFCI in connection with the above facilities.

9. That the Common Seal of the Company be affixed to the stamped engrossment(s) of the Deed of Hypothecation and to such other documents as may be required to be executed under the Common Seal of the company in favour of IFCI to secure the aforesaid facilities in the presence of one of the officers i.e. Shri ___________ and Shri____________ who shall sign the same in token thereof.

10. That Shri_____________ and Shri_____________ of the Company be and are hereby severally authorised to accept amendments to such executed loan agreement/deed of hypothecation and other documents as and when become necessary and to sign letter(s) of undertakings, declarations, agreements and other papers which the company may be required to sign for availing of the required facilities and, if so required, the Common Seal of the Company be affixed thereto in the presence of any one of the said officers, who shall sign the same in token thereof as required by the Articles of Association of the Company.

11. That the company do file the particulars of the charge(s) to be created in favour of the IFCI with the concerned Registrar of Companies within the time prescribed by law therefor.

12. That the copies of foregoing resolutions certified to be true copy by the Company Secretary be furnished to the IFCI and they be requested to act thereon.

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