Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Form INC-9 - Affidavit

Form INC-9 is an affidavit required to be submitted by a proposed subscriber to MOA and first Director at the time of Incorporation of Companies. Applicable stamp duty is also required to be paid on this document. This document should also be attested in front of notary public.

Splitting of Share Certificates - Request Letter

This is a letter to a Company by its shareholder requesting for splitting the share certificates held by him/her. For example, when a shareholder wants to split his share certificate of 100 shares into two share certificates of 50 shares each, then he/she can write a letter to Company.

Form No SH-4 - Securities Transfer Form

Form SH-4 is an instrument of transfer which is useful when a person wants to transfer its Physical Shares held in a Company to another person. This form is prescribed pursuant to Section 56 of Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 11 of Companies (Share Capital & Debentures) Rules 2014.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Cement Business

  1. To carry on business to produce, manufacture, treat , process, prepare, refine, import, export, purchase, sell and generally to deal in either as principals or as agents either solely or in partnership with others, all types and kinds of cement ordinary, white coloured, Portland, pozzolana, alumina, blast furnace, silica and all other varieties of cement, lime and limestone, clinker and / or by-product thereof, as also cement products of any or all descriptions, such as pipes, poles, slabs, asbestos sheets, blocks, tiles, garden wares, plaster of paris, lime pipes, building materials and otherwise, and articles, things, compounds and preparations connected with the aforesaid products, and in connection therewith to take on lease or otherwise acquire, erect, construct, establish, work, operate and maintain factories , quarries, mines and workshop.
  2. To carry on the business of manufacturers and dealers in cement products, lime, plasters, whiting clay, gravel, sand, concrete, mortar, minerals earth coke fuel artificial stone and builders requisites and conveniences of all kinds and to produce manufacture, purchase, refine, prepare, process, import, export, sell and generally deal in cement, Portland cement, alumina cement, plaster of paris, lime and lime stone, marble granite, kankar and or by products thereof and in connection therewith to acquire erect, construct establish, operate and maintain cement factories workshops and other works.
  3. To carry on the business as manufacturers and dealers in Grey Cement, white Portland cement, ordinary port land cement and cement of all kinds and varieties, concrete, lime, clay, gypsum and lime stone, sagole, soap stone, repifix cement and allied products and by products and to establish construct, acquire, run, operate on any factory for manufacturing cement and allied products.

Bakery Products Business

  1. To carry on business as bakers and manufacturers of and dealers in bread, flour, biscuits and farinaceous compounds and materials of every description and to construct, acquire, hire, hold, work in factories, bake-house, shops, suitable for such baking, manufacturing and dealing.
  2. To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, refiners, makers, inventors, convertors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, preservers, stockists, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers, concessionaires or otherwise deal in breads, flour and other wheat products, biscuits, farinaceous compounds, sweets, confectionery, bakery products, food articles and all kinds of ingredients required for the production, or manufacture of the aforesaid products. 

Auction Agency Business

To carry on the business of the auctioneers, house agents, land and estate agents, general agents, brokers, valuers, surveyors, appraisers of all kinds of goods or properties, whether movable or immovable and for that purpose sell, purchase, export, import or otherwise deal in any goods or properties.

Asset Management Business

  1. To acquire, hold, sell, buy or otherwise deal in any shares, units, stocks, debentures, debenture-stock, bonds, mortgages, commodities, obligations and other securities or alternative investment items by original subscription, tender, purchase, change, gift or otherwise and to subscribe for the same, either conditionally or otherwise, and to underwrite, sub-underwrite or guarantee the subscription thereof to purchase and sell the above mentioned securities and to carry on and undertake the business of asset management, portfolio management, investment advisory, research services, financial advisors, business counselors, treasury management, advisors, and to render such services to individuals, companies, corporations, trusts and other entities.
  2. To carry on the activities of raising or acquiring funds for and/or managing mutual funds, venture capital funds, offshore funds, pension funds, provident funds, insurance funds, alternate investment funds, portfolio management services or any other funds, and to act as managers, consultants, advisors, administrators, attorneys, agents, or representatives of or for mutual funds, venture capital funds, offshore funds. Pension funds, provident funds, insurance funds, alternate investment funds, portfolio management services or any other funds formed or established in India or elsewhere by the Company or any other person (whether incorporated or not) or by any government, state, local authority, association, institution (whether incorporated or not) or any other agency or organization

Amusement Business

  1. To carry on the business of proprietors and operators of amusement parks, and as promoters, organisers and managers of all kinds of entertainments, sports, recreations, indoor and outdoor amusements, including funfairs, circuses, amusement arcades, exhibitions, sideshows and games, competitions, tournaments, concerts, cinema and television performances, stage and variety shows, dancing, skating, aquatic and equestrian events, and pyrotechnic, aerial and other displays.
  2. To purchase, lease, hire, construct, provide, operate, equip and maintain land, buildings, theaters, cinemas, studios, concert halls, stadiums, tracks, arenas, golf and putting courses, bowling greens, tennis, squash and badminton courts, skating rinks, swimming pools, baths, boating and paddling pools, marinas, piers, and all other structures, apparatus, equipment and articles which may appear necessary or convenient for the carrying on of any such business.
  3. To enter into agreements with, grant leases and licences to, and engage and employ showmen, artistes, entertainments, performers, sportsmen and other persons.

Airlines Operating Business

1. To operate air support services to meet the requirement of public as well as private sector which would include services by Aero planes and/or Helicopters and such other transport services in India and abroad as may be approved by the Government of India or such other competent authority. 

2. To operate scheduled/non-scheduled and transport services by aero planes and/or Helicopters to inaccessible areas and difficult terrains and to provide intra-city transportation for the carriage of passengers, mail and freight.

3. To organise, run, maintain, take on lease, purchase, sell, exchange, promote, establishes, manage, acquired, operate, take on hire, airlines, aircrafts, charters of air-craft, carrier of goods and passenger

4. (i) To operate any air transport services or flight by Aero planes and/or Helicopters for a commercial or other purpose and to carry out all forms of aerial flights in different cities as may become necessary. 
(ii) To provide pleasure/leisure rides in air with a view to promote air-mindedness in the country.

5. To establish, provide, maintain and conduct research and other laboratories, training colleges, school and other institutions for the training, education and instruction of students and other who may desire to avail themselves of the same and to provide for the delivery and holding of lectures, demonstrations, exhibitions, class meetings and conferences connected with Aero plane and/or Helicopters.

6. To provide or to do all or any of the activities relating to training, educating, imparting, coaching to students, technicians connected with Aero planes and/or Helicopters in all respects of aircraft maintenance engineering, aircraft electronics and awarding diploma to persons, employed or desirous of being employed either by the Company or by any other persons.

7. To plan, promote, develop, design, test, repair, maintain, assemble, import, buy, sell etc. on hire purchase, charter, altering, modifying, manufacturing of aero planes, helicopters, aero engine, air support equipment, air frames, components, parts, tools, equipment, accessories, air borne radio and to deal in aerial conveyance of all kinds of machinery and other apparatus used or employed in connection therewith

8. To carry on business as tourism agents and contractors and to facilitate traveling and to provide for tourists and travelers and promote the provision of conveniences of all kinds in through tickets, circular tickets, sleeping cars or berths, reservations, hotels and loading accommodation, guides, safe deposits, inquiry bureaus, libraries, lavatories, reading room, baggage transport and otherwise

9. To carry on the business of transport, cartage and haulage contractors, garage, proprietors, owners and charters of road vehicles, aircrafts, shops, tugs, barges and boats of every description, lighter men, carriers of goods and passengers by road, rail water or air, Carmen, cartage contractors, stevedores, wharfirgers, cargo superintendents, packers, halers, ware housemen, store keepers and job masters 

Aircraft Business

  1. To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, designers, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, suppliers, agents, sub-agents, jobbers, brokers, repairers, cleaners, or otherwise deal in and operate all types of aeroplanes, seaplanes, flying boats, hovercraft, helicopters, and other craft or conveyances appropriate for the carriage of passengers, freight and mails by air and all or any parts, equipments, engines, machinery and plant relating thereto and to carry out and conduct any tests, experiments, research or development necessary or expedient for such purposes. 
  2. To manufacture, deal in, recondition and service aircraft and other apparatus of every description capable of being flown or navigated in the air, whether powered or not.

Advertising Agency Business

  1. To carry on the business of advertising or publicity agents, sub-agents, contractors and for that purpose to purchase and sell advertising time or space on any Radio Station or television center, print media, internet  in India or abroad or any other kind of media currently in vogue or which may be in vogue at any time, including newspapers, souvenirs, hoardings, neon signs, online portals, social media platforms and other display devices of all kinds and descriptions or to organise trade fairs, exhibitions, road shows to promote the sale or any other interest of its clients.
  2. To carry on the business of advertising contractors, sub-contractors, agents, designers, advertising, publicity and marketing specialists.

Acrylics Products Business

To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, refiners, makers, inventors, converters, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, packers, movers, preservers, stockists, agents, sub-agents, merchants, distributors, consignors, jobbers, brokers, concessionaires or otherwise deal in all kinds of Acrylic fibre, Acrylic tow, Acrylic top and all types of products made of Acrylic.

Monday, August 14, 2017

Automobile Business

  1. To carry on business to manufacture, assemble, buy, sell, distribute, import, export, alter, remodel, hire, exchange, repair, service and otherwise deal in motor cycles and motor vehicles of every kind and description, component part thereof spare parts, accessories, tools, implements, materials thereof and products for the transport or conveyance of passengers, merchandise and goods of every description, whether propelled by using gas, petroleum, diesel oil, steam, oil, vapour, electricity or any other motive or mechanical power.
  2. To carry on business to manufacture, assemble, buy, sell, distribute, import, export, alter, remodel, hire, exchange, repair, service and otherwise deal in all types of parts, gears, transmission axles, joints, springs, lamps, chains, bodies, frames, chassis, engines, tyres, tubes, batteries, goods, instruments, appliances and apparatus, equipment, components, accessories, raw materials of every kind and description required for or capable of being used for or in connection with objects described in 1 above.
  3. To carry on business to manufacture, assemble, buy, sell, distribute, import, export, alter, remodel, hire, exchange, repair, service and otherwise deal in general purpose engines and machinery incorporating such engines therein, including but not limited to generators, tillers, lawn movers, outboard engines and other engines and products of like nature and all types of parts, frames, goods, instruments, appliances and apparatus equipment, components, accessories, raw materials of every kind and description required for or capable of being used for or in connection with the foregoing.

Art Dealer Business

  1. To carry on, in India or abroad, the business of exhibitors of and dealers in pictures and prints and of artists' agents, makers, importers, exporters and sellers of picture frames, artists's colours, pastels, oils, acrylics and other prints, brushes, eases and other instruments, articles and ingredients relating to any such business.
  2. To carry on, in India or abroad, the business of publishers, books and print sellers, magazine proprietors, fine art journalists, printer and engravers, advertisement agents and purchasers and sellers of copyrights.

Agriculture Business

To carry on the business of farming, production, harvesting, procurement, grading, pooling, handling, marketing, agriculture and horticulture in all their respective farms and branches and to grow, produce, manufacture, process, prepare, refine, extract, manipulate, hydrolyze, deodorize, grind, bleach, hydrogenate buy, sell or otherwise deal in all kinds of agricultural, horticultural and farm produce and products including seeds, plants, flowers, vegetables, fruits and preparation of any nature or description

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Incorporation of Limited Liability Partnership

Limited Liability Partnership

Limited Liability Partnership (LLPs) is the new form of business entity which is combination of traditional partnership and a Company. It has a feature of having partners with their liability upto the extent of their contribution. LLPs are governed by Limited Liability Act, 2008 and its corresponding rules. 

Basic Procedure to Incorporate a LLP

1. Digital Signature and DIN
It is mandatory to have atleast two Designated Partners (DP) at the time of Incorporation of LLP and throughout the existence of LLP. To become DP, it is necessary to obtain DPIN (DIN). You need to ensure that you should have atleast have two persons with DIN.
For filing necessary applications for LLP incorporation, Digital Signature (DSC) of alteast one person is required. However, it is advisable to have DSCs for all such persons who are promoting LLP.

2. Application for Name availability
Once the DIN and DSCs are in place, we need to apply for Name which you are looking for your new LLP. This is application is filed in Form 1 to Registrar of Companies (ROC).

3. Incorporation Application
Once the name is reserved, you need to file incorporation application with necessary documents in Form 2 to ROC.

4. Issue of Certificate of Incorporation
Upon approval of application (as per point 3), ROC will issue a Certificate of Incorporation and from the date of issue of this certificate, the LLP will be incorporated.

5. Filing of LLP Agreement
Within 30 days from the date of Incorporation, you need to file LLP Agreement in Form 3 to ROC.

Pre-requisites for incorporating a new LLP

1. Atleast Two Partners are required to incorporate a LLP.
2. Out of total number of Partners, atleast two partners shall have DIN and such persons shall become Designated Partners of LLP.
3. Atleast one of total partners should be resident Indian.
4. Digital Signature of atleast one person is required to file necessary incorporation applications.

Detailed Steps to incorporate a new LLP

Step - 1: Obtain DIN and DSC of atleast two partners (check procedure for obtaining DIN here)

Step - 2: Determine the proposed names for new LLP and the business for which LLP is being incorporated

Step - 3: File application for name availability for new LLP in Form 1. Details required for this application is as follows
- Maximum Six names can be given out of which one will be approved
- Object clause for new LLP shall be mentioned in detail (Search the object clauses Here)
- Total Capital contribution of the new LLP

Step - 4: File an application for Incorporation in Form 2. Following documents shall be attached.
- Subscribers sheet
- Consent letters in Form 9
- Proof of registered office
- Utility bill for registered office

Step - 5: Upon approval of Form 2, ROC will issue a Certificate of Incorporation of new LLP

Step - 6: Prepare LLP Agreement, pay applicable stamp duty on it and execute the agreement by partners. Once it is executed, file the LLP Agreement's copy to ROC in Form 3. Do you want to create LLP Agreement for free? Click here

Create Documents for Free without any hassle

You can fill up the form given below to prepare relevant documents for incorporation of LLP online which will save your precious time and most importantly WITHOUT ANY COST. 

If you want to fill up the form in separate tab, Click Here

Thursday, August 10, 2017

NBFC (Deposit) Business

  1. To carry on the business of NBFCs (Non Banking Financial Company), hire purchase company, finance company, to undertake all types of leasing and hire purchase business relating to all kinds of machinery, plant, equipment, ships, vehicles, aircraft, rolling stock, factories, movable and immovable property, to arrange or syndicate leasing or hire purchase, business, to undertake bills discounting business, to purchase, finance discount, re-discount, bills of exchange, to act as a discount and acceptance house, to arrange acceptance or co-acceptance of bills
  2. To act a financiers with the objects of financing Industrial Enterprise, to lend or deal with the money either with or without interest or security including to current or deposit account with any bank or banks other person or persons upon such terms, condition and manner as may from time to time be determined and to receive money on deposit that the Company shall not do any banking business as defined under the Banking Regulations Act, 1949, subject to the provisions of the Act and directives issued by the Reserve Bank of India.

Investment Business

To acquire, hold, sell, buy or otherwise deal in any shares., units, stocks, debentures, debenture-stock, bonds, mortgages, obligations and other securities by original subscription, tender, purchase, change, gift or otherwise and to subscribe for the same, either conditionally or otherwise, and to underwrite, sub-underwrite or guarantee the subscription thereof to purchase and sell the above mentioned securities and to carry on and undertake the business of hire purchase, leasing including across border leasing, import leasing and to give on lease or on leave and' licence basis, or in any other manner of all types of equipment, property and assets including all kinds of goods, articles or things whether movable or immovable and to act as discount and acceptance house, to arrange acceptance and co-acceptance of bills, to undertake factoring of bills, and other documents, to purchase the book debts and receivables and to lend' and give credit against the same, to draw, make, accept, endorse, discount execute, issue negotiate and sell bills of exchange, promissory notes and advance by discounting or otherwise with or without security upon such terms and conditions as the Company deems fit to borrow, to lend, to negotiate loans, to transact business as promoters, financiers, monetary agents, to raise -or provide venture capital, 10 arrange securitisation of loans, long term debt instruments, real estate/property certificates, to undertake asset management, portfolio management, advisory counselling services

Internet of Things Business

To carry on business of providing Products and Services in India and abroad in the field of Internet of Things (IOT) and Information Technology including but not limited to designing and developing products and services based on software, system, online or offline applications, data management, data processing, device engineering, application engineering, analytics, data and device intelligence for all industries, businesses, government and public; and to act as representative, advisor, dealer, consultant, know-how provider, sponsor, franchiser, original equipment manufacturer, solution provider for attainment of above object.

Hospitality Business

  1. To carry on the business of development, marketing and management of Hotels, Holiday resorts, villas, lodging, stalls, garages, summer houses, chateaus, castles, Inns, Road Houses, Motels, Tavern, Rest Houses, Guest houses, Spas, medical tourism facilities and homes for infirm.
  2. To carry on all the business of hotels, restaurants, cafes, holiday camps, resorts, taverns, beerhouses, refreshment rooms, night clubs, cabarets and establish run, manage and do all necessary business activities relating to restaurants, Liquor bars, Pubs, snack bars, cafeterias, Hotels, resorts, rest houses in India and outside India and to deal in all manners such as growing, preparing, cooking, packing, importing, exporting, packing distributing all kinds of food and beverages and lodging or apartment house keepers, licensed victuallers, wine, beer and spirit merchants, brewers, distillers, bakers and confectioners, importers and manufactures of aerated mineral and artificial water and other drinks; to acquire or purchase any going or operating concern carrying on the same or similar business or business as covered by the object clause of the above.

Interior Designing Business

To carry on in India or elsewhere the business of interior decorators, furnishes, cleaners, designers, consultants, planners and repairers and render services in all other auxiliary fields and to carry on business of selling, buying, letting on hire and otherwise dealing in all kinds of furniture, fixtures, carpets, linoleum, art goods, as may be required in connection with the interior decoration of flats, bungalows, raw houses and residential and commercial premises.

Structural Engineering Business

  1. To carry on the business of providing engineering and management consultancy in the fields including but not limited to structural designing and engineering design of housing, infrastructure, and any civil projects, project management, structural health monitoring, structural audit and civil engineering; and to offer comprehensive consultancy in the above fields by engaging service of  subject experts, services consultants, real estate consultants, registered architects, structural designers and civil engineers
  2. To carry on business of taking up and executing turnkey EPC assignments; providing and maintaining equipments & instruments and to conduct research & development in the area of structural designing, engineering, project management, structural health monitoring, structural audit and structural equipment

Transport Services Business

To carry on business to promote, organize, undertake, establish, conduct, handle, arrange, manage, own, operate, facilitate, sponsor, encourage and provide transport services in the form of cars, cabs, buses or otherwise any vehicle at local, domestic or international level; and to create, manage, organise, conduct, arrange, own, operate, facilitate web-based and mobile-based solutions for transport services in India or abroad and to do activities of transport aggregator or transport network entity

Logistics Business

To establish, manage, conduct, own, operate and to do business as fleet carriers, transporters, contractors in all branches of land, air, water and space for transporting goods, articles, or things on all routes and lines through all sorts of carriers and To carry on the business of clearing and forwarding agents, courier and cargo handlers, handling and haulage contractors, warehousemen, common carriers by land, rail, water, air; container agents, transport agents to handle goods and passengers

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Commodities Trading Business

To carry on in India the business of dealing in foreign exchange and to act as full fledged money changer; to deal in the business of commodity broking, spot markets and futures and all kinds of derivatives and to appoint agent or franchisees all over India and all other related activities; to become members and participate in trading, settlement and other activities of Foreign exchanges facilitating, for itself or for clients, trades and clearing/settlement of trades in spot, in futures and in derivatives permitted under the law of India.

Registrar and Transfer Agent Business

To carry on the business of Registrar and Transfer Agents; conducting share transfer, share registration and to act as transfer managers and/or Trustees and to provide issue house services in connection with the creating, issue or conversion of debentures, debenture stocks, bonds, obligations, shares, stocks and securities and to facilitate, encourage and guarantee the issue and subscription of capital, shares, stocks, units, debentures stocks, obligations and other securities by virtue of acting as underwriters, placement agents, retail distributors, wholesale distributors, or brokers and to acquire such capital shares, stocks, debenture stocks, obligations and other securities in the course of fulfilment of such objectives and to do business of record management including but not limited to information management and documents management.

Travel Agency Business

To carry on business to promote, represent, organise, undertake, establish, conduct, handle, arrange, manage, own, operate, participate, facilitate, sponsor, encourage & provide the business as package tours operators, daily passenger service operators, conducted tour operators; travelling agent for booking and reserving accommodations, seats, berths, compartments of trains, aeroplane and cruise; vehicle booking agent, hiring cruise, aeroplane and helicopter; authorised airlines’ tickets booking agent, representatives of other travelling agencies, operator for provide necessary services for passport & visa; agent and owner for travel insurance, handling conference and meetings, handling inward tourist activities in India and abroad and to own, operate, manage and develop online portals, websites, web-based solutions for all above mentioned businesses.

Data Processing Business

To carry on business to own, manage, run computer training and data processing centers and act as consultants, advisers, developers, and traders in computer programming system development, system design, system architecture, software designing, computer aided designs, data compilation and statistical analysis and to carry on the business of  Data conversion, Data capture for Business process outsourcing (BPO) for International and Domestic clients

Textile Products Business

To carry on the business of ginning, pressing, spinning, processing, balers or otherwise processing of cotton, cotton fibres, man-made fibres, silk, rayon, polyester, chiffon, acrylic, wool, shoddy, jute, hemp and other fibres and fabrics or textile products not specified above and to carry on the business of exporters, importers, buyers, sellers, producers, factors, distributors, stockiest, agents, suppliers, or and dealers in all classes of cotton, yarn, thread, fibres and other fibrous products and textiles product.

Oil Refinery Business

  1. To carry on the business to establish, erect, run, own, manage and operate refinery and to do business of blending, refining and processing of crude edible oil into edible oil,and to produce edible oil
  2. To carry on the business of manufacturer, exporter, importer, supplier, buying, selling and marketing of all kinds of refined edible oil and other oils

Consultancy Business

To carry on business of financial, management and technical consultants and advisers in India and abroad for all types of fields including but not limited to finance, investment, industrial enterprises, trade, commerce, business, estate related activities, technical, helping finalization of contracts and management collaboration and to provide services of preparation of feasibility, project & research reports related to mentioned fields.

Recruitment Services Business

  1. To carry on the business of consultants/suppliers/providers of all types of manpower including but not limited to contractual, skilled, unskilled, trained, talented labour to the any person, entity or organisation who seek employment at various levels including top level, middle level, junior level, managerial personnel, workers, labourers including Skilled/Unskilled in the every field and to act as placement consultant, employment consultant or recruitment consultant.
  2. To carry on the activity of consultancy services in managing the entire human resource process including but not limited to recruitment, interviewing and selection, placement, payroll, compliance, training till providing detailed management reports and develop human capital by better manpower planning, conduct employment bureau, competency profiling of roles and role holders, enhance the support to the companies/organizations as an agency by on-boarding of trained staff under its name to the various levels of the organization whether temporary or permanent on commission basis and other related ancillary services in connection therewith.

Export House Business

  1. To carry on business as importer, exporter, trader, agent, broker, C&F agent, shipper, commission agent, distributor, representative, franchiser, collaborator, stockist, job worker and to act as import and export house to perform all the functions and undertake all activities connected therewith including obtaining and dealing in licenses, quotas, certificates and other rights.
  2. To carry on business of rendering consultancy, advisory and liasioning services in respect of matters related to objects mentioned in sub clauses (1) above to any company, corporation, body corporate, industry, firm, association, body of individuals, institution, concern, government, public or local authority, trust, research and development centres or any other person.

Synthetic Products Business

To carry on business of trading, manufacturing, importing and exporting of woollen, worsted, suiting, dyeing, printing, colouring, processing, finishing and calendaring, spinning, doubling, texturing, weaving, winding, knitting, scouring, bleaching or manufacturing in any way whatever cotton, linen, wool, synthetics, nylon, polyester, silk flex, hemp, jute, artificial silk rayon, cloth man-made and all other yarns and fibres, artificial or textile substance.

Therapeutic Proteins Business

To carry on the business as manufacturers, producers, marketings, trading, resell, processors, importers, exporters, traders, buyers, sellers, retailers, wholesalers, suppliers, indenters, packers, preservers, stockists, agents, sub-agents, merchants, distributors, jobbers, brokers, and market Quality Assured Therapeutic Proteins such as Albumin, Immunoglobulin, and develop its further product portfolio of Therapeuctic Proteins such as Fibrinogen backed by Research & Development and Quality Assured systems & procedures.

Chartered Accountant Business

To do business as Chartered Accountant Firm and to carry on all business activities as permitted under Chartered Accountant Regulations Act, 1988

Classified Website Business

To carry on business as owners, developers, designer and distributors of online information, web-based platforms, portals and websites including business of formulating, developing, improving, designing, marketing, franchising and licensing web based solutions and program and to provide web space for various types of advertisements and publications

Creative Agency Business

To carry on business of providing services in the fields of design, advertising, marketing, printing, brand strategy, public relations, creative contents, video and audio production, photography, startup businesses, research, web-based solutions and other matters relating to media, communication and creativity; to deal in all the products, raw materials and finished goods which are required to be used for providing above fields and to provide advisory and consultancy services for mentioned fields.

Fashion Products Business

To carry on the business of manufacturing, design, planning, production, import, export, general sale and marketing, cash and carry wholesale trading,  distributing, and activities of job workers, stockiest, brokers, agents, to market, promote, organize, design, develop, sort and grade or to deal in all kinds of garments and wearing apparels of all shapes, sizes, varieties, specifications, descriptions, applications for men, women and children including sports’ wear, active wear, daily wear, fashion wear, party wear, other wearing apparel made from cotton, synthetics, silk, velvet, jute, wool, denim, hosiery cloth or in any combination thereof including total look casual apparel, and fashion accessories, articles, goods, garments and merchandise through stores, shops, online portals, websites and e-commerce mode and to buy, sell, import, export, market or distribute machinery, technology, equipment, tool or plant to be used in any industries.

E-commerce Business

To carry on the business of buying, selling, marketing, trading, importing, exporting, distributing, wholesaling and retailing of consumers’ products including but not limited to apparel products of every kind, Fashion products of every kind, Electrical & Electronics products of every kind, Healthcare products including permitted medicines of every kind, Entertainment products of every kind, leather products of every kind, furniture & home decor products of every kind through stores, shops, online portals, websites and e-commerce mode

Medicine and Pharmaceutical Business

To carry on business as manufacturers, producers, processors, agents, importers, exporters, traders, whole sellers, retailers, distributors, commissioners, dealers of all kinds of drugs, medicines, chemicals, capsules, injections and devices including disposable and other general items for all fields including healthcare, pharmaceutical, surgical, medical or any other medicinal system or branch of medicine

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Trading Business

To carry on the business of buying, selling, reselling, processing, importing, exporting and trading of all kinds of goods finished, semi-finished, raw material items, articles, merchandise, products such as agricultural, industrial, chemical or marine, pieces of arts, antiques, handicrafts, machinery, equipment’s, capital goods and any other item capable of purchasing, processing, selling, importing, exporting and trading and to be appointed as agents and / or distributors on commission, allowance, retainer ship, incentive basis.

Software Business

To carry on the business of Software designing, development, customisation, implementation, maintenance, testing and benchmarking, designing, developing and dealing in computer software and solutions, and to import, export, sell, purchase, distribute, host (in data centres or over the web) or otherwise deal in own and third party computer software packages, programs and solutions, and to provide internet / web based applications, services and solutions, provide or take up Information technology related assignments on sub-contracting basis, offering services on-site/offsite or through development centres using owned /hired or third party infrastructure and equipment, to undertake IT enabled services like call Centre Management, Medical and legal transcription, data processing, Back office processing, Accounting, HR and payroll processing, Insurance claims processing, credit card processing, loans and letters of credit processing, cheque processing, data warehousing and database management, to carry on the business of manufacturing, dealing and maintenance of computer hardware, computer systems and assemble data processors, program designs and to buy, sell or otherwise deal in such hardware and software packages and all types of tabulating machine, accounting machines, calculators, computerised telecommunication systems and network, their components, spare parts, equipments and devices 

Food Processing Business

To carry on business to manufacture, process, prepare, preserve, can, refine, bottle, buy, sell and deal whether as wholesalers or retailers or as exporters or importers or as principals or agents in foods, vegetables, canned and tinned and processed foods, protein, health and instant foods of all kinds including baby and diet foods, cereals, beverages, cordials, tonics, restoratives and aerated mineral waters and food stuffs and consumable provisions of very description for human or animal consumption and to carry on business in all natural, artificial, synthetic or chemical edible food colour.

To carry on business as manufacturers, importers and exporters of all sorts of fruits, food, foodstuffs, canned fruits, chocolates, candies, jams, preserves, jellies, peppermints, juice, syrups, beverages, waters, wines, cordials, restorative and drinks of all kinds.

Electrical Business

To manufacture, buy, sell, export, import, deal in, assemble, fit repair, convert, overhaul, alter, maintain, and improve all types of electronic components, devices, equipments and appliances, equipments such as television and wireless apparatus including radio receivers and transmitters, tape recorders, broadcast relay and reception equipments, phonographs and other equipments used in and or for audio and visual communications, apparatus and equipment including those using electromagnetic waves intended for radio-telegraphic or radio-telephonic communication photocopiers, electronic lighting controls, continuous fan/motor speed controls, continuous flashers and fire alarm systems, digital and other electronic clock, time relays, punch card machines, electromechanical pneumatic controls, computers and automatic calculators, X-ray machines and tubes, surgical, medical and other appliances intended for electro and other therapy treatment and in all types of tapes, magnetic and otherwise, photographic films, projectors and cameras, and capacitors, resistance, condensors, semi-conductors, transistors, rectifiers, integrated and hybird circuits, relays, potentio meters, connectors, printed circuits, coils, chokes, transformers, switches, volume controls, plugs, sockets, aerial gears, diodes and allied items intended for and used in electronic devices, and in air conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines, heaters and cooking ranges and other types of domestic machines, heaters and cooking ranges and other types of domestic appliances and any type of equipment used in the generation, transmission and receiving of sound, light and electrical impulses and component parts thereof and other materials used in or in connection with electronic and electrical industries

To carry on, manage, supervise and control the business of transmitting, manufacturing, supplying, generating, distributing and dealing in electricity and all forms of energy and power generated by any source whether nuclear, steam, hydro or tidal, water, wind, solar, hydrocarbon fuel or any other form, kind or description.

Restaurant Business

To carry on the business of hotels, restaurants, cafes, resorts, refreshment rooms, juice centers, spa centers, beauty salon centers and to carry on business of buying, selling, trading, importing, exporting, wholesaling and retailing of all food products and drinks with hospitality industry

Infrastructure Business

  1. To carry on the business of Builders, Developers, General maintenance, Construction, Contractor and to construct, purchase sell, execute, develop, maintain operate, run, obtain, grant lease, sub lease, license, arrangement for/of tenancy/ tenancy rights, let out and/or sell departmental stores, offices, residential apartments, bungalows, townships, factories, flats, warehouses, Pent Houses, resorts, entertainment complex, Malls, Multiplex Concert Halls, Hotels, Restaurants, Studios, Shopping Centers, Special Economic Zones, Airports, Highways, Satellite Townships, Industrial IT Parks, IT Campuses, Hospitals, Seminar Halls, marketing arcades, farm house, theaters, residential schools, playground buildings and every kind of erections, infrastructure, construction works and to promote, establish, acquire, purchase, sale, construct, develop new townships and to develop, provide, supply, maintain various infrastructure facilities and to undertake development of infrastructure projects in all areas of infrastructure including but not limited to basic infrastructure such as power, roads, water, water management, waste management system, sewerages, industrial infrastructure, urban infrastructure, tourism infrastructure and to purchase, sell and deal in land and immovable properties in India or any other parts of the world and any accretion thereto in the form of area or any other form whatsoever and to promote formation of co-operative housing societies, companies, trust or other associations
  2. To purchase, construct, develop, transfer, take in exchange or on lease, hire or otherwise acquire, whether for investment and / or sale or working in the same, any real or personal estate or property including land, mines, business, building, factory, mills, houses, cottages, shops, minerals, rights, concessions, privilege, licenses, lease whatsoever for the purposes of the Company in consideration for a gross sum or rent or partly in one and partly in other or for some other consideration.
  3. To carry on the business of hotels, restaurants, cafes, resorts, refreshment rooms, juice centers, spa centers, beauty salon centers, fitness center and to carry on business of buying, selling, trading, importing, exporting, wholesaling and retailing of all food products and drinks with hospitality industry.

Adhesive Business

To carry on business of manufacturing and trading of tile adhesive, tile fixing agents, tiles proofing compound, polymers and other types of adhesives, chemicals and substances relating to ceramic materials