Sunday, September 17, 2017

Breweries and Distilleries Business

Main Object Clause of an entity having business of Breweries and Distilleries e.g. United Breweries

1. To carry on the business of distillers, Brewers and Maltsters in all its branches.

2. To carry on the business as manufacturers, dealers, agents, Importers and exporters of spirits, denatured spirits, alcohol including potable, power and Industrial alcohols, rectified spirits, alcohols, extra neutral alcohols, Indian made foreign liquors, beer, wine and other beverages including aerated and mineral waters and other drinks.

3. To carry on the business as manufacturers, dealers, agents, importers and exporters of all organic and inorganic chemicals, derived from molases, cane sugar, tapioca or other carbohydrate bearing roots or from alcohol or from starch bearing materials, like ethyle alcohol, Acetic acid, Acetates, benzenes, glycolos of ethylene and other deriveaties there from.

4. To carry on the business as manufacturers, dealers, agents, importers and exporters of all kinds of fermenting agents, enzymes, corks, bottle, stoppers, bottle fillers, used in manufacturing, packing and filling spirits, alcohols, wines, and other items of brewery and distillery Industry and chemicals and their derevitives manufactured from such item. 

5. To carry on the business as dealers, agents, importers and exporters of all kinds of plant, machinery, accessories, components used in brewing, distillery and allied chemical industries  

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